Iniciando este blog, demonstrarei como adicionar notificações nos formulários do CRM na versão 4.
Algumas entidades nativas da ferramente demonstra notificações para alertar algo para o usuário, melhor do que um alert() do javascript.
Abaixo segue o código para adicionar as notificações
function InsertNotification(title, text, informationType) { //define attributes of the first div called notifications var divNotifications = document.getElementById('Notifications'); var childNodesLength = divNotifications.childNodes.length; var order = 0; if (childNodesLength > 0) { order = childNodesLength - 1; } //Create the div notification child var divNotificationChild = document.createElement('div'); divNotificationChild.setAttribute("id", "Notifications" + order); divNotificationChild.setAttribute("Order", order); divNotificationChild.setAttribute("Severity", "2"); divNotificationChild.setAttribute("Source", "Server"); //Create the notification table var tableNotification = document.createElement('table'); var tbodyNotification = document.createElement('tbody'); var trNotification = document.createElement('tr'); /* Build the image if the type of message type of: -information = 1 -warning = 2 -error = 3 */ var tdImage = document.createElement('td'); tdImage.setAttribute("vAlign", "top"); var img = document.createElement('img'); img.setAttribute("class", "ms-crm-Lookup-Item"); switch (informationType) { case 1: img.setAttribute("src", "/_imgs/error/notif_icn_info16.png"); break; case 2: img.setAttribute("src", "/_imgs/error/notif_icn_warn16.png"); break; case 3: img.setAttribute("src", "/_imgs/error/notif_icn_crit16.png"); break; default: img.setAttribute("src", "/_imgs/error/notif_icn_info16.png"); break; } tdImage.appendChild(img); /* Build the <td> with the title and text message */ var tdText = document.createElement('td'); var textSpan = document.createElement('span'); var boldText = document.createElement('b'); textSpan.setAttribute("id", "Notification" + order + "_text"); boldText.setAttribute("color", "#FF0000"); //put the title boldText.appendChild(document.createTextNode(title + ": ")); //put the text information //textSpan.appendChild(document.createTextNode(text)); textSpan.innerHTML = text; tdText.appendChild(boldText); tdText.appendChild(textSpan); trNotification.appendChild(tdImage); trNotification.appendChild(tdText); tbodyNotification.appendChild(trNotification); tableNotification.appendChild(tbodyNotification); divNotificationChild.appendChild(tableNotification); divNotifications.appendChild(divNotificationChild); divNotifications.style.display = 'block'; } //clear the notifications on the form. function ClearNotifications() { var divNotifications = document.getElementById('Notifications'); var childNodesLength = divNotifications.childNodes.length; if (childNodesLength == 0) return; var i = 0; for (i = 0; i < childNodesLength; i++) { var childDiv = divNotifications.childNodes[i]; divNotifications.removeChild(childDiv); } divNotifications.style.display = 'none'; }
O resultado você pode visualizar abaixo:
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